Thursday, July 06, 2006

Week 1: Episode #3...Supa-Bye Bye!

So anyway, guess I'm not altogether ready to sign up as a Lucky Charmer...I will have to wait to see what type of brew is on tap on 'dat der keg...I mean, I need to be careful before dipping into the Charms if they are going to be all soggy on the cheap stuff, just sayin ;)

Moving on from snarking on my little Leprechaun this elimination...well I wasn't surprised...what I was was all sorts of loving this...

First my little Charmer, tells our hamsters, eh, dudes, some of you alls *fucking* SUCKED!!!! *smooch* Love ya's just for that!

The squawkin' Bat-Woman?!?!? you go girl...I'm not scared! Grim Reeper riddle me this...Chicks rock!

Now we are to the bottom of the three(3)...who called the 'brunette' boys?!?!? you were so right (Cheryl I <<know>> it was you!)

First...Fluffy, the Fluffster...what up w/your hair?!?!? Lovely locks, Chrissy...and working the eyeguyliner too...YOU are WAY too purty for eh Band Super-dupah...but you did not suck the LA Woman as you did poor dear Roxanne, so you live another day...Have I mentioned how I *HATE* you, lol...too purty! *smooch*

And then, the Phil-osopher...oy, Philly...cheese steak...what were ya singing!??!?! Ok, it was aeons BETTER than your CoP, which was surely lackluster--eek!...But Switchfoot?!?!? At least you clearly like this song. Much better fit. Glad the SNers like ya' and Fluffy are kinda pretty/cute, so I am not destroyed you will still be around to be my friend...and good on ya mate, mackin on Brooke up there...seriously, I saw your think she's purty...

Finally, my non-Zayra pick to go...Matty, Matt, Matt, Matt...Duran Duran, REALLY?!?!? I actually really liked your take on it, but it was SOOOOOOO not ROIT! not right! Did you not know the SNers ACTUALLY said anyone doing DD was not for them...they really had no choice...sorry babe, catch ya later, rock on...and NEVER, EVER sing Yellow again, and we will be cool...

So now, it is until Monday...we must wait...have I mentioned I am NOT patient?!?!? The crack may be a different strain this year, but I am actually hitting the pipe harder...I think I have issues...oh well, maybe I'll snack on some of the Charms as I ponder who I will *obsess* about the rest of the summer...How many hours do I have to wait until they post the next reality epi?!?!? sigh...

...this little ditty originally posted by myself over at

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